How big is the gap between top replicas and authentic products? Smart people will choose this way...
How big is the gap between top replicas and genuine products?
After working in this industry for 6 years, as the manager of stockx100, I can tell you responsibly that the materials used in the original replicas and genuine products are the same!
After working in this industry for 6 years, as the manager of stockx100, I can tell you responsibly that the materials used in the original replicas and genuine products are the same!
The real difference between top replicas and genuine products is in the rigor of the product. The production process and quality inspection of genuine products are relatively strict, while replicas are mass-produced, and the production and quality inspection are not so strictly controlled. If there is any difference between the two, perhaps this is it.

Putian shoes can be popular.
One is because the quality of the shoes is really good;
The second is whether everyone is a rich second generation.
If you like a pair of shoes that cost tens of thousands, you can buy them, but everyone loves beauty and has vanity. Anyway, I don’t like my shoes after wearing them for a few months. Why not buy something more affordable and cost-effective?
In fact, many people who can really afford genuine products will consider whether the investment in buying genuine products is worth it, especially under the premise that the quality is almost the same.

Some people feel ashamed to buy fakes.
Most of the replica wears are actually not short of money at home, and I can make it look like a real thing and blow up the streets at will!
Why do you have to pay such an expensive luxury tax to the counter?
Where would you go on holiday with this money?
Wouldn’t it be better to open a room in a five-star hotel and be a first-class cabin?
Wouldn’t it be better to open a room in a five-star hotel and be a first-class cabin?
Life focuses on quality, and the more slaves you are to money, the more vain you are.
Everyone must be thinking, is it embarrassing to be seen through by others? First of all, we should have a positive attitude. In fact, using replicas is not a shameful thing.From another point of view, it is more rational for consumption.

You buy something because you like it, not because you want to be vain in front of others. There are many ways to show off your wealth, and it is vulgar to show off with luxuries. Thinking of buying a replica product and pretending to be the original product to raise your value is purely swollen face and fat, and it is you who are tired.
I can tell everyone loudly that I can buy things worth tens of thousands of dollars with a few hundred dollars.
Yes! It’s a replica! I can even show off my savvy to others, why not do it?
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